Contact Larry The Lender

At Larry the Lender, we believe in providing swift and reliable financing solutions that cater to your unique needs. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate investor or a newcomer to the industry, our team is dedicated to helping you navigate your financial journey with ease. Ready to take the next step? Contact Larry the Lender today. Our experts are ready to answer any questions you may have about bridge loans or any other aspect of real estate financing. Let’s turn your investment dreams into reality.

Show All Locations

Austin Location

Austin Hard Money Lender: Loan Agency

13420 Lyndhurst, #301,

Houston Location

Best Houston Hard Money Lenders: Private Money Lenders

5000 Locust Bellaire,

Spicewood Location

Spicewood Hard Money Lender: Loan Agency

116 Moonie Circle,

Hard Money Lending Resources

Welcome to Larry the Lender, your trusted source for hard money loans. With years of expertise, we've become a leader in the hard money lending industry, offering tailored solutions to real estate investors. Our commitment to transparent, rapid, and accommodating financing has enabled countless clients to seize opportunities in the competitive real estate market. Let's dive into the details of our unique approach to hard money loans

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Larry the Lender, your trusted source for hard money loans. With years of expertise, we've become a leader in the hard money lending industry, offering tailored solutions to real estate investors. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions. Feel...

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NAR – Commercial Real Estate Market Insights 2024

NAR – Commercial Real Estate Market Insights 2024

The Covid-19 pandemic sent shockwaves through every sector of the Global economy- and real estate was not excluded. Now that we are four years out from the initial lockdown, we can assess in retrospect the effects of Covid on different parts of the national economy,...

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Loans For Flipping Houses

Loans For Flipping Houses

Fix And Flip The Smart Way: Flipping House Investor Loan Loans for flipping houses breathes new life into living spaces bought by real estate investors. These particular houses are often bought at auctions, fixed up, and then sold for profit. They’re homes that are...

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Hazard Insurance

Hazard Insurance

Protect Your Short Term Investment Hazard Insurance CLICK TO CALL FOR CONSULTATIONWhy Is Hazard Insurance Required For Property People often wonder why their lenders require them to have hazard insurance on their property. The answer to this question is simple, if a...

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Real Estate Invester Groups

Real Estate Invester Groups

Real Estate Investment Loans in Texas Real Estate Investor Groups CLICK TO CALL FOR CONSULTATIONFrom Long Term Investments To Fix And Flip Local real estate investor groups come in many different varieties. Some people are lifelong investors, and own houses,...

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